

Andorians have blue blood, blue skin, blond hair, and antennae on the crown of the skull. The antennae were depicted as protruding from the forehead, and capable of movement, used for gesturing and balancing. If cut off, an antenna will grow back after several months.

There are at least two Andorian subspecies: those with blue skin, the majority of the population; and the more reclusive, blue-white-skinned Aenar, long considered a myth until contact was remade with blueskins circa 2154. The Aenar are blind, but exhibit telepathic and telemetric abilities. Aenar appear to use their antennae as telepathic receptors.



Andorian ale is a blue alcoholic beverage, and Andorian blues is a genre of music.

The Andorian race has four genders: thaan andchen (roughly equivalent to male), plus shen and zhen (female). The Andorian marriage rite is called a shelthreth and requires all four genders to procreate.

Andorians have an intense dislike and mistrust of other races, particularly humans and Vulcans, and frequently refer to humans using the pejorative "pink-skin.




The first seagoing ship to circumnavigate Andoria was the icecutter Kumari. Centuries later, its venerated name would grace a starship of the Andorian imperial guard.

Their first encounter with the Vulcans was promising, but relations soured in time. The two species held territorial negotiations for eight years in the 2060s.

About 2104, Andorians made contact with the Aenar, dispelling their mythological status.

Andorians terraformed the planet Weytahn, only to have it annexed by the Vulcans. In 2151, the Andorian Imperial Guard discovered a Vulcan spy station hidden on themonastery world P'Jem.

In 2153, the Guard sent a ship into the Delphic Expanse in vain, to capture a Xindi weapon to use against Vulcan. The next year, Andorian commander Shran helped counter the Xindi threat to Earth.

In 2161, Andorians—along with humans, Tellarites, and Vulcans—founded the United Federation of Planets.

At the 2260s conference at Babel which took up the admission of Coridan, the Andorians were represented, in part, by ambassador Shras.

In the 2270s, a number of Andorians served aboard the refitted starship Enterprise. In 2291, a painting of a notable Andorian graced the conference room of the Enterprise-A.

In 2371, the gerontological doctor Ghee P'Trell of Andor was nominated for the Carrington Award. (The script referred to the character as 'Chirurgeon', a title derived from Greek, meaning surgeon.)


Medical Information:

The Starfleet Medical Manual, held that Andorians were the only known semi-insectoid race in Federation territory, with limited exoskeleton and antennae used for both quadriscopic vision reception and focused hearing. 


The Andorian physiology is one of the most highly-developed and disease resistant known to Federation science. Disease is so rare to an Andorian, he will probably go through the entire transition from health to illness in a state of complete disbelief or shock. Until symptoms of the disorder become incapacitating, the Andorian will refuse treatment and will even refuse to accept that he is ill. Once the patient can no longer function with his disorder, he is thrust into the second stage of adaptation - total acceptance. During this stage, the Andorian reacts to his sudden acceptance of the illness with hostility, violence and anger. The duration of the Andorian's hostility may be as long as the illness persists or until the patient is over the initial shock of acceptance (depending on the seriousness of the condition). It is also interesting to note that if the Andorian suffers the loss of a body part, he invariably prefers death to recovery.

Recovery for the Andorian is usually met with the utmost cooperation from the patient. Getting well becomes the most important matter in the Andorian's life, providing that the disorder does not leave the patient with any permanent dysfunction. Convalescence is as short-lived a period as possible for the Andorian, who usually insists upon reentering society long before a medical officer would advise him to. Being ill carries a certain stigma in Andorian society, and the patient may be pressured into potentially dangerous acts of physical prowess to prove his good health to others.

The medical officer is advised to treat the Andorian during these stages with understanding, kindness and patience. The moody Andorian has a difficult time adjusting to his illness. If violence prevails during the second stage of adjustment, tranquilizers are recommended. During the third stage, the Andorian must be convinced of the necessity of remaining under treatment until completely able to function on his own.


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