

Bolians were distinctively known for a bifurcating (cartilaginous) ridge running vertically along the center of the head and face, and partway down the chest. Skin color ranged from blue-gray to vivid blue and was occasionally accented with dark blue bands on the head.

Bolian males were completely bald, were on average as tall as the average Human male, and were not known for their physical prowess.

In addition to the ridge on their heads, they were also noted for having cartilaginous lining on their tongues that allowed them to consume foods not normally palatable by other races, including strong acids.

Bolian hearts were on the right side of their body.

When removed from the body, Bolian blood was blue in color. The chemistry of their blood was very different from that of other species, especially Vulcans. If a blood transfusion was given from a Vulcan to a Bolian it would result in the death of the Bolian. There were instances, however, when artificial blood was unavailable; when this occurs, existing blood cells had to be genetically altered for inter-species transfusions to be successful.


Society and Culture

A Bolian medical philosophy on euthanasia was developed during their Middle Ages known as the "double effect" principle. This form of assisted suicidestates that "an action that has the principal effect of relieving suffering may be ethically justified even though the same action has the secondary effect of possibly causing death."

Bolian courtship initiation consisted of a male and female Bolian pressing foreheads with eyes closed, while both participants touched the neck of their partner with both hands, placing the fingers where one would check the pulse of a species with a circulatory system similar to that of humans. Bolian marriages sometimes involved more than two members. Any additional spouse was referred to as a "co-husband" or "co-wife", respectively. During a pregnancy, they believed that if one gives birth near a warp core, the experience improved the baby's disposition.


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